Setting Up Birthday Cake Demo Homepage Manually

If you didn’t import demo content, this guide will show you how to set everything up manually so that it looks just like the Birthday Cake demo. This method is recommended for people who already have tons of content on their site and don’t want to crowd things up with a ton of unnecessary demo posts/images. However, if you’re completely new to WordPress, importing demo content is still the recommended and preferred method. OK, let’s get started!


Social Media Icons: These are located under Appearance > Customize > Birthday Cake Options > Social Media Icons.

Header/Logo: See instructions here on how to add a logo here and how to setup a menu.

Demo Homepage 1

To set up, go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets, then select “Homepage Widgets.” From there, you can find all the widgets available for the theme. Instructions for each one:

You can also find instructions for setting up each widget on the Widgets page.

Demo Homepage 2

To set up, go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets, then select “Homepage.” From there, you can find all the widgets available for the theme. Instructions for each one:

You can also find instructions for setting up each widget on the Widgets page.

Demo Homepage 3

To set up, go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets, then select “Homepage.” From there, you can find all the widgets available for the theme. Instructions for each one:

You can also find instructions for setting up each widget on the Widgets page.

Demo Homepage 4

To set up, go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets, then select “Homepage.” From there, you can find all the widgets available for the theme. Instructions for each one:

You can also find instructions for setting up each widget on the Widgets page.


Social Media Icons: These are located under Appearance > Customize > Birthday Cake Options > Social Media Icons.

Menu: See instructions here on how to setup a menu.

Copyright Info: These are located under Appearance > Customize > Birthday Cake Options > General Options under “Footer.”