Contact Page

Our contact forms are designed to be a simpler alternative to the larger contact plugins. They work right away as soon as you activate your theme. It sends emails to your WordPress admin email address. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Create a new page by going to Pages and click Add New. (If you imported demo content, a contact page will automatically be created for you.)
  2. In the far righthand corner under Page Attributes locate Templates (for 5.8 and above, simply look for Template).
  3. From the dropdown menu, select Contact Us Page Template.
  4. Ta da! You’re done. 😉

Note: If you’ve noticed your messages are always going into the spam folder or taking hours to be delivered, or if you’re using a gmail or yahoo address, we recommend installing this plugin. If using a gmail/yahoo address, make sure to select, “Tick to set the Envelope to the From.”


In the demo, the Contact page includes the Instagram widget. To add this widget to your site, click on Customize in your admin bar. Next, click on Widgets and select Contact Page. From here, you can add the Instagram widget or any other widget you want.

For more information on widgets, check the Widgets page.