Common Problems

Below, a few frequently asked questions:

The generated homepage is empty. Why?

The homepage is probably empty because you have no content on your site. An .XML file of demo content is provided. Download it by accessing your downloads through your account. We also recommend plugins like FakerPress, which generates dummy content for you.

Why do my menu items go to a 404 page?

The links generated in the menu are custom links. Depending on your Permalinks settings, these links may not go anywhere —and that’s OK! Nothing’s broken. You just need to update the links in Appearance > Menus. You can also try changing your Permalinks settings under Settings > Permalinks. If your setting is set to “static,” change it to “day and name.”

I can’t find the Contact Page or the Shop Page. Where are they?

All the pages should be located under Pages > All Pages. If you don’t have these two pages, then you probably already have pages on your site named “Contact” and “Shop,” and so the pages weren’t created. Here’s how to set up the Contact Page and the Shop Page manually.

Why can’t I change the background color of the Subscribe Widget?

If the background color option isn’t updating, try saving the widget, refreshing the page, and trying again.

My homepage is showing up as “[Theme Name] Homepage” on Google. How do I change that?

By default, you should be able to edit your meta title (this is the title that shows up on search engines/social media) under Settings > General under Site Title. However, SEO plugins sometimes override this. If that’s the case, go to Pages > All Pages and locate [Theme Name] Homepage. Click “Edit Page” and edit the page name to whatever you want. If you’re using an SEO plugin, read the documentation on how to edit the meta title for pages.