Under Construction/Coming Soon Page

If you’re not ready to launch your site just yet, you can take your site offline and show your visitors an “Under Construction” message instead.

  1. Create a new page by going to Pages and click Add New. (If you imported demo content, the page will automatically be created for you.)
  2. In the far righthand corner under Page Attributes (Template, if 5.8 and above) locate Templates.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select Maintenance Mode Page Template.
  1. In the body of your post, write the message you want displayed to your visitors.
  2. Upload an image under Featured Image to be used as the background image of the page.
  1. Social media links will be added automatically. This setting is located under Theme Options > Social Media Icons in the Customizer.
  2. To turn maintenance mode on, go to Customizer > [Theme Name] Options > General Options and scroll down to “Miscellaneous.” Next, select “on” at the bottom.
  1. You’re done. 😉