Testimonials Widget

Use this widget for displaying reviews from happy customers or clients.

  • To set it up, first create a category called “testimonials.”
  • Next, create a new post that will be one of your testimonials. Fill in the body, add a featured image, and use the person’s name as the title. Put this post in the “testimonials” category and Save. Posts added to this category will not display in the main blog feed.
  • To access the Testimonials Widget, go to Widgets under Appearance and add the widget to the appropriate widget area.
  • While editing the widget, select “testimonials” as your category and select how many posts you want to appear. You can add up to three testimonials per slide, but if you’re adding this widget to a sidebar, you can only add one testimonial per slide.
  • Background options: You can add a background color or a background photo for this widget. If, for example, you decide to choose a black background color, use the Text Color option to make the text white/readable.
  • Save when you’re done.