Birthday Cake Color Options

The number of color options in Birthday Cake can be a little overwhelming, so we’ll walk you through each one so that it all makes sense.

Primary color

This is the main color for your blog that will replace the default pink color.

Secondary color

This is the secondary color for your blog that will replace the default yellow color.

Optional: Link colors for light primary colors

This option is for changing link colors that are affected by light primary colors. So, for example, let’s take a look at the subscriber widget. By default it looks like this:

But let’s say you change the primary color to white (not a good idea, but let’s just use it as an example):

As you can see, since the accent color and the link color are the same, the “submit” link is now unreadable. You can remedy this by changing the link color using this option.


Optional: Link colors for darker accent colors

Similar to the last option but for links that affect accent colors. So, for example, let’s say you changed the default yellow accent color to black. As you can see, some of your links are now too dark.

Use this option to change the link color to something readable, like this:

Optional: “About Me” widget text color

This option is for changing the main title color of the About Me/Profile widget. Let’s say, for example, you chose dark pink/blue as your primary and accent colors. It’s a decent color combination, but when combined with the widget design, it can sometimes look…garish.


Use this option to change the title color to something more visually pleasing.

Ahh, much better.

Bad color combos can kill a great design. If you’re struggling with finding the right colors for your site, you can try using palette generators like Simply copy/paste the color code into the site, and you’re done.