Customizer General Settings

Here’s a rundown of each setting located under Customizer > [Theme Name] General Settings. If this page seems redundant, it’s because it’s mostly provided for users who are linking here from other documentation articles.


All color options for the theme are located under Customizer > [Theme Name] Options > Homepage Sections > Colors & Presets. Pretty much all colors you see on the site can be changed here. (Update: 9/1/23: Jelly Bean users can now find layout and style presets in this section as well.)

Sticky Header

You can turn the sticky header on or off under Customizer > [Theme Name] General Settings.


To display a logo in your menu, go to Customizer > Site Identity. If there’s a lot of space around your logo, make sure to crop the image. Otherwise, there’ll be lots of white space around the logo, and it won’t look good.

After uploading your logo under Site Identity, next, go to General Settings and select “logo” under “Display the logo or your site title?”

For the white footer logo, you can upload that logo under Customizer > [Theme Name] General Settings. Make sure “Display a logo in the footer” is turned on.

Site Title

To display a Site Title in the menu and footer, go to Customizer > Site Identity to edit that. After making your edits, go to Customizer > [Theme Name] General Settings and check “site title” under the option, “Display the logo or your site title?”


You can turn the sidebar on or off under Customizer > [Theme Name] General Settings. To add widgets into the sidebar, like the About Me widget or Subscribe widget (like the demo), go to Appearance >Widgets. From here you can drag and drop any widgets you want into the area labeled “Sidebar.”

Author Signature

This option is only for our Blue Poppy theme. By default, the signature says “XOXO, Sara.” You can edit this under Customizer > Blue Poppy General Settings under Author Signature.


Excerpts are the short lines of text that appear right below a headline. This option is only for our Jelly Bean theme. By default, excerpts are generated automatically and are 25 characters long (the design looks best when the excerpt is kept short). If you don’t want excerpts, you can turn them off under Customizer > Jelly General Settings.