Block Installation

Hey, there! Thanks for downloading Fairy Boss. Ready to build your cute website? Here’s how to set up your new theme in minutes. If you don’t want to watch the video below, there are written instructions listed below it.

Step 1: Activate plugins: Once the theme is activated, you should get a pop-up notifying you which plugins need to be downloaded and activated. If you don’t get a popup, simply click on “Install Plugins” under “Appearance.”

Step 2: Import demo content: If you want to import demo content, activate the “One Click Demo Import” plugin in Step 1 and click on “Import Demo Data” under “Appearance” in your dashboard. For more information on importing, read Importing Demo Data.

Step 3: If you skipped Step 2, that’s OK. Activating the homepage manually is just as easy:

  1. Create two new pages by clicking on “Pages” and “Add New.” Name them anything, but ideally, name one “Homepage” and the other “Blog.”
  2. While editing the “Homepage” page you just created, in the righthand sidebar locate Templates. From the dropdown menu, select Blank Template. Save.
  3. Next, go to “Settings” and click on “Reading”. From here, click on “A static page” under “Homepage Settings.” For “Homepage,” select the page you just created and do the same thing for “Posts Page.” Save changes when you’re done.

Step 4: Start Building the Homepage: While viewing your homepage, click on “Edit Page” at the top in the black admin bar. From here, you can start building your page by adding blocks. To learn more, read the guide to Gutenberg Blocks and Patterns before starting.

For site-wide options (like colors, menu layout, etc.), those can be found under Appearance > Customize > Fairy Boss Settings.