Importing Demo Content

The fastest and easiest way to get your site up and running and looking just like the demos is to import demo data. That way, all you have to do is go in and replace all the demo content with your own. It’s ridiculously easy.

  1. Activate One Click Demo Import: Go to Install Plugins under Appearance and activate it.
  2. Next, go to Appearance > Import Demo Data.
  3. Click “Import Demo Data” at the bottom.
  4. Wait! This process will take several minutes. Do not close the tab or do anything until the import is complete.
  5. You’re done! Check your site to see the changes.

Common problems

Due to a medley of reasons, you might run into errors while importing the demo content. Below is a rundown of the most common ones, along with solutions. If you don’t want to deal with all this, you can also just import the content manually.

Internal Server Error

If you get this error, don’t panic. Sometimes even successful imports spit out this error. If your import wasn’t successful, and none of demo content was imported, contact your web host provider. You most likely need to change your PHP settings.

Error (500)

If you get this error, it means you need to update WordPress to its most recent version. You can update WordPress by selecting “update” in your dashboard.

Something Else?

Demo imports don’t always work the same for every site. If you’re still having issues, contact us at support (at) littlethemeshop (dot) com.